05-03-2011, 06:56 PM
See attached.
Open house in St. George (Sportsman's Warehouse) Wednesday May 18 from 5pm - 7pm.
[quote UDWR]
[center]Division of Wildlife Resources to hold Fisheries Management Open House[/center]
The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources will host a Public Open Houses in Washington County on May 18 at Sportman’s Warehouse. Fisheries biologists from the Division's Southern Region will be on hand to discuss fisheries management activities and issues, and will gather input from the public.
Some of the topics of interest will include: proposed rule changes for fishing in Utah in 2012, current management and monitoring results at Southern Region waters, expanding fishing opportunities for warmwater fish, stream restoration and enhancement project, the Walk-in-Access Program, native fish programs, and the effort to control Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS).
The open house meeting is being held to give people interested in fish and fishing a chance to talk directly with biologists to give input and better understand fisheries management programs and issues.
Sportsman’s Warehouse is located at 2957 East 850 North, St. George. The open house will run from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
A sampling of some of the current fisheries monitoring and projects underway in the Southern Region as well as the rest of the state can be viewed on the DWR website DWR Facebook page.
Open house in St. George (Sportsman's Warehouse) Wednesday May 18 from 5pm - 7pm.
[quote UDWR]
[center]Division of Wildlife Resources to hold Fisheries Management Open House[/center]
The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources will host a Public Open Houses in Washington County on May 18 at Sportman’s Warehouse. Fisheries biologists from the Division's Southern Region will be on hand to discuss fisheries management activities and issues, and will gather input from the public.
Some of the topics of interest will include: proposed rule changes for fishing in Utah in 2012, current management and monitoring results at Southern Region waters, expanding fishing opportunities for warmwater fish, stream restoration and enhancement project, the Walk-in-Access Program, native fish programs, and the effort to control Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS).
The open house meeting is being held to give people interested in fish and fishing a chance to talk directly with biologists to give input and better understand fisheries management programs and issues.
Sportsman’s Warehouse is located at 2957 East 850 North, St. George. The open house will run from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
A sampling of some of the current fisheries monitoring and projects underway in the Southern Region as well as the rest of the state can be viewed on the DWR website DWR Facebook page.