09-10-2003, 04:41 PM
I caught myself. I was fly fishing at Star Lake near Trial Lake in the Uintas. It was pretty windy and on a back cast the fly line hit the end of my pole and then a glob of line hit me in the face. Unfortunately the fly was in the glob and hooked my cheek about one inch under my right eye. The barb of the #16 hook was under my skin. I pulled and pulled but I could not back the hook out. It really hurt trying to back it out like that. I really didn't want to ruin the fly because it had been working so well and it was my last one. I could not see what I was doing so I tried to use a puddle like a mirror, but I couldn't see details in the shadow of my face. It then started to rain, then hail, so I finally cut the leader so only the fly was hooked to me and I could put on my rain poncho. I was going to leave the fly in my face and have my parents get it out back at camp but it was such a distraction in my vision that it was driving me crazy. And the skin was starting to swell up and get puffy from all the pulling. So I finally did it. Pain and all, I pushed it all the way through my skin. It hurt! Then I carefully snapped the point and barb off of the hook with needlenosed pliers. I was then able to back the hook out. It sure missed that good fly as I went back to fishing.