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Calling all Provo River Pros!!!
I guide up on that section a fare amount, and the website of the Provo pros is Utahflyfishingpros. Some tips on that section that may help you a bit. I have been hammering fish, but if I do not get down to them, I have little luck. I would boost the amount of weight you are using and bounce right on the bottom. Watch your indicator as a sign you are bouncing. Then it simply a matter of the right spot and bug. You seemed to have fished a decent section, try past the sun-dance turn off, about half a mile, which will put you high. You will have to hike down the steep embankment but there is some good water there. The fish are feeding heavy on sows, so double up, as I had little luck on anything else. Put if the catch a site of that sow they will hammer it, if your technique and drift look good. Good luck and feel free to ask me anything else if your struggling, as it will be a matter of a few adjustments. On the Sow SIze 18 20

Messages In This Thread
Calling all Provo River Pros!!! - by shadowcaster - 08-14-2010, 05:18 AM
Re: [shadowcaster] Calling all Provo River Pros!!! - by parkcity - 05-09-2011, 03:07 AM

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