05-10-2011, 02:23 PM
I thought this quote from Wayne Gustaveson (wayneswords.com) might interest some when considering launching at Hite.. There seems to be a bit of confusion surrounding this information, but I would tend to trust Wayne as an accurate source...
"At Hite, a mussel inspector is available five days per week from 7 a.m. to
5 p.m. MDT. If an inspector is not available, visitors may still
self-certify at Hite. Launching vessels at Hite is “at your own risk”. At
this time it is not possible to launch larger vessels at Hite.
Visitors are reminded that anyone launching any kind of vessel on Lake
Powell is required to obtain and display a “Mussel Free” certificate on the
dash of their vehicle. With the exception of Hite, the only way to obtain
this certificate is to have your vessel inspected by an authorized National
Park Service inspector. Hite and remote locations are the only places where
self-certification is still allowed."
"At Hite, a mussel inspector is available five days per week from 7 a.m. to
5 p.m. MDT. If an inspector is not available, visitors may still
self-certify at Hite. Launching vessels at Hite is “at your own risk”. At
this time it is not possible to launch larger vessels at Hite.
Visitors are reminded that anyone launching any kind of vessel on Lake
Powell is required to obtain and display a “Mussel Free” certificate on the
dash of their vehicle. With the exception of Hite, the only way to obtain
this certificate is to have your vessel inspected by an authorized National
Park Service inspector. Hite and remote locations are the only places where
self-certification is still allowed."