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Bored so im up with some questions about salmon fishing the clearwater?
The only place I have fished for salmon up there is off of the bridge below Dworshak Dam. You have to get there at like 3 am to get your spot and then wait for daylight, but when the fish come in it is unbelievable. We also plunked with tuna balls or an entire shrimp with 2 single hooks through it with an entire toothpick slid in its back to straighten it out and a piece of yarn tied along the back of the shrimp. The shrimp is very deadly on the salmon. One of my most memorable fishing moments was hooking a 20+ lber off that bridge and fighting it for about 30 mins. It almost spooled me 3 times and I had it to the net twice and the third time it finally spit the hook. My arm hurt for days after that fish. It was my first time tangling with the salmon and I could not believe how much harder they fight than a steelhead. It was awesome.

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Re: [hulapopper] Bored so im up with some questions about salmon fishing the clearwater? - by SteelFan - 05-12-2011, 12:00 AM

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