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Sarasota Area Backcountry Report
Capt. Kevin Chamberlain<br><br>Due to the return of red tide, fishing's been on the slow side in the Sarasota area . Just before the slow down, Dave and Colleen Oxford from Saratoga, NY, managed a few bluefish and trout, but overall, action was slow until the last hour-and-a-half of their trip. A few acres of baitfish being attacked by ladyfish changed that. <br><br> A scout trip mid week in North Sarasota Bay with friend, Capt. Jim Klopfer netted few catches. We poled several flats looking for signs of life, only to spook out a lone redfish, tough day. On the higher side, signs of red tide were not evident, hopefully signaling better days ahead.<br><br> Herald-Tribune Outdoor writer Steve Gibson and I fished Gasparilla Sound in Charlotte Harbor on Tuesday and found decent action. A 7 1/2 pound redfish took a soft plastic jig near Sandfly Key, along with several trout to 2 pounds on jigs and Clouser imitations. Bluefish to 3 pounds, trout and ladyfish took jigs and flies near Three Sisters.<br><br> On Friday, Steve Simonds and Gene White from Wolfeboro Falls, NH, and Ken Murphy from Sarasota fished the Harbor with nearly the same results. Redfish, trout, bluefish, jack cravalle and ladyfish made up the catches. Steve had the hot hand with a 6 pound red and a 3 pound trout for the bet. Ken landed a 3 pound jack on a top-water and they all had several trout and ladyfish on gold spoons and jigs.<br><br>To see photos from recent trips, click on <br><br>Thanks,<br>Capt. Kevin Chamberlain<br><br>(941) 366-FISH (3474)<br><br>

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Sarasota Area Backcountry Report - by FlatsAngler - 12-10-2001, 05:44 PM

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