05-13-2011, 01:26 PM
Wind, I noticed snagging more with Kastmasters, but there are a lot of fly fishers per number. But like Eddie, most the Fly Fishers I know would be fishing Nymphs or Chironomids. I am more inclined to think that these Woolly Bugger strippers are part time fly fishers, but just what I have noticed.
Now, Eddie, you bring up a good point. Now I understand that fishing from a dock is not allowed, but how long does one hold a fishing spot? I would assume, if someone gets out and leaves the lake either to go to the car or the restroom, whatever, that it would be nice to come back to the spot they had been all weekend, but is this fair if someone walks up on that spot unknowingly and starts fishing while the original person is gone?
(I know this isn't the case here, but just asking)
Now, Eddie, you bring up a good point. Now I understand that fishing from a dock is not allowed, but how long does one hold a fishing spot? I would assume, if someone gets out and leaves the lake either to go to the car or the restroom, whatever, that it would be nice to come back to the spot they had been all weekend, but is this fair if someone walks up on that spot unknowingly and starts fishing while the original person is gone?
(I know this isn't the case here, but just asking)