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Mosquito Lagoon Report
Capt. Rob Blake’s fishing report from Florida’s Mosquito Lagoon and Indian River-updated December 10th, 2001. <br><br><br>On every trip this week, anglers have been greeted with tails galore at sunrise. If your knees don’t get a little shaky when you see a school of 50+ reds tailed up in a foot of water, you may want to find another style of fishing. Spotted Seatrout, as well as redfish, have been biting fairly good as well. I haven’t had a fly angler at all this week, and what a shame…I’ve seen more tailing reds this past week than I have in quite a while. <br><br><br>This past week’s outstanding catch was definitely Brad Raymundo’s 31-pound bull redfish. After hooking this fish in about 3 ½ feet of water, Brad fought it for just over an hour before the Boga Grip locked on its bottom lip. Catches like this don’t come along everyday, but when they do it is very sweet for both guide and angler. The fish was obviously well over the 27-inch maximum and was tagged and released after several nice pictures. Brad also got a half-dozen slot size fish (18-27”) earlier in the day. Good job Brad! <br><br><br>Frank Celeste and friend George Mill, both from Alexandria, Virginia, caught a very respectable mixed bag of fish during their half-day charter. These anglers had never seen tailing redfish before, but by 7:30am they had seen well over fifty tails waving. Both caught on to the sightfishing game, and kept me and my pliers busy with redfish and Seatrout catches throughout the morning. <br><br><br>Capt. Bob Menegay from Palm Beach County and friend Mike also got an eyeful of tailing reds during their half-day trip. Things started out very well for these guys. Everywhere we looked, there were reds tailing…in front of the boat, out to both sides, and even behind us. But when we laid eyes on a school of reds that was tailing very, very well up ahead of the skiff, we all got excited. Accurate casts paid off big for both anglers throughout the morning. Mike also caught a nice 7-½ pound spotted seatrout for good measure. <br><br><br>Capt. Bob Menegay now guides his clients to the excitement of fishing the offshore waters of Palm Beach County. His style of fishing is geared toward drifting live bait, with the use of light tackle, kites and downriggers. Most of the fishing is done within sight of the beach along the reefs in 80-200 feet of water. Capt. Bob can be reached at 1-561-588-4969 or email him at <br><br><br>Paul Landers joined me on Monday in hopes of a repeat performance of the last few days on Mosquito Lagoon. He was not disappointed. Again we found many tailing fish eager to inhale our soft plastic offerings. When the sun was high enough and visibility was good, he tossed live shrimp into the potholes…the reds couldn’t refuse. Another productive day on the Mosquito Lagoon thanks to good casting! Good job, Paul! <br><br><br>Well, it still seems like Spring or Summer here on the Florida’s East Coast. Our temperatures are hovering in the low 80s and for the first half of the day the skies have remained cloudless. I am looking forward to some cooler temperatures and hot fishing as winter comes upon us. <br><br><br>Capt. Rob Blake <br><br> <br><br>1-866-RED-DRUM <br><br>321-633-0923 local <br><br>321-544-5041 cell <br><br><br>Contact Capt. Rob at 1-866-RED-DRUM <br>or 321-633-0923 or 321-544-5041 (cell).

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Mosquito Lagoon Report - by Capt_Rob_Blake - 12-10-2001, 07:37 PM

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