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Beginner Steve's beginner questions
Appreciate the responses, I thought the 560 was a decent finder but I guess that shows you what I know [unimpressed]. Haha I guess I might want to look into something a bit nicer because Im frequently fishing in 50 feet or deeper water and am almost never targeting fish in 10 feet or less.

I had read that getting "perfect" fish arches was pretty rare but the problem I've been having is I don't get anything arch like at all, mostly just blips and flat lines. I was thinking maybe the flat lines were fish but I'm nervous about operating on that assumption, could waste a lot of time out on the water chasing phantom fish you know?

Yeah we've got the round live bait container thing figured out, we really have no trouble at all keeping them perky while they're in the boat. Typically we either hook them in the dorsal or through the lips, I hadn't thought about hooking them through the eye. I'm wondering since Alewifes are so fragile whether the change in water temps from the bait bucket to the lake water is killing them somehow, but this time of year its basically going from cold water to cold water so I'm not sure if thats the issue.

I was hoping to be back on the lake by today but its raining cats and dogs here in jersey, but next time I go I'll be sure to fiddle around some more with the ole finder.

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Re: [Tarpon4me] Beginner Steve's beginner questions - by BeginnerSteve - 05-17-2011, 06:08 PM

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