05-20-2011, 06:48 PM
RE" Most outdoorsmen are currently more upset with big game issues than they are with fishing issues."
Perhaps, but there always seem to be a lot of complaining on BFT about the DWR. Do people on here know how regulatory decisions are made in Utah?
RE"Unfortunately, the RAC and the Wildlife Board did not see eye-to-eye with the managers and biologists, and rainbows were removed from the slot. Sound familiar? (it's not just sportsmen that get frustrated with the RAC system)"
" "To me the RAC process is not democratic since anglers and biologists aren't represented."
This may be a surprise to many of you, but the DWR does not have any power at all to make regulations. The Wildlife Board does. The reason that hunters are more vocal right now is that the Wildlife board took some highly controversial actions that many hunters disagreed with. The WB has the same power over fishing. Does this affect you, the angler? Yes. Case in point that some of you are familiar with. When Tube Dude presented his Yuba perch plan a few years ago, the plan passed the Central RAC and had the blessing of the biologists working Yuba. What happened? The Wildlife board summarily dismissed it, with little discussion. The WB is 6 political appointees picked by the Governor. The DWR does not have a voting member on the board. They may or may not have biological experience, and often are political pals of certain powerful people. The most recent nominee was an officer of the Sportsmens group that most supported the recent deer hunting changes and according to some, exerted undue control over the WB in the deliberations.
Anyway, food for thought. If you guys want to see reform in our wildlife agencies, here is a good place to start. (and when you whine on here that the DWR doesn't do this or does that, consider that the Wildlife Board is the entity really calling the shots.)
Perhaps, but there always seem to be a lot of complaining on BFT about the DWR. Do people on here know how regulatory decisions are made in Utah?
RE"Unfortunately, the RAC and the Wildlife Board did not see eye-to-eye with the managers and biologists, and rainbows were removed from the slot. Sound familiar? (it's not just sportsmen that get frustrated with the RAC system)"
" "To me the RAC process is not democratic since anglers and biologists aren't represented."
This may be a surprise to many of you, but the DWR does not have any power at all to make regulations. The Wildlife Board does. The reason that hunters are more vocal right now is that the Wildlife board took some highly controversial actions that many hunters disagreed with. The WB has the same power over fishing. Does this affect you, the angler? Yes. Case in point that some of you are familiar with. When Tube Dude presented his Yuba perch plan a few years ago, the plan passed the Central RAC and had the blessing of the biologists working Yuba. What happened? The Wildlife board summarily dismissed it, with little discussion. The WB is 6 political appointees picked by the Governor. The DWR does not have a voting member on the board. They may or may not have biological experience, and often are political pals of certain powerful people. The most recent nominee was an officer of the Sportsmens group that most supported the recent deer hunting changes and according to some, exerted undue control over the WB in the deliberations.
Anyway, food for thought. If you guys want to see reform in our wildlife agencies, here is a good place to start. (and when you whine on here that the DWR doesn't do this or does that, consider that the Wildlife Board is the entity really calling the shots.)