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Scary incident while tubing today.
A dear friend of mine began suffering grand mal siezures in her mid 20's for reasons she wasn't able to identify quickly. Sadly she suffered one while riding a jet ski and drowned. Your friend was very lucky to have you so close by.

About two months ago my daughter suffered one. She had been sick with the flu and we allowed her to sleep in the front room to be close to the restroom. Just by chance she had it as we were getting ready for work. Several doctors visits later and we still don't know why. Siezures are a strange and very scary thing.

Messages In This Thread
Scary incident while tubing today. - by BigFlyMan - 05-30-2011, 02:32 AM
Re: [flygoddess] Scary incident while tubing today. - by BigEZ - 05-30-2011, 09:54 PM

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