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9' Colorado XT Pontoon with trolling motor
We are in Nevada with no access to take pictures. It is at a friends house of ours and we aren't selling this by mail. Nobody pays till they see it in person and about to take home.
As for New member that is correct. The pontoons are located in Northern Arizona. My husband suggested I look for forums pertaining to N. Arizona fishing to list it for sale. As this would be a great buy for someone who fishes that area. The only other place I have it, is on craigslist. Not EBay. People can search keywords of my ad and phone number and see we only listed this in the area where they are located. If it was truly fishy there would be no phone number and something to pertaining to paying in advance. I too am a person who watches out for scams and I respect that you would want to help protect someone. If you are still concern please call me.

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Re: [peter805] 9' Colorado XT Pontoon with trolling motor - by ddunford - 06-27-2011, 04:26 AM

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