06-30-2011, 04:37 AM
I was curious about the method of determining wild vs planters. I was correct in my thinking. The F&G does not use a "dye" to mark them. They use Oxytetracycline. It is a drug / antibiotic used to treat the fish. I have used it for 27 years to make feed to treat rainbow trout. It is also used to "mark" animals. It is mixed with oil to "mark" problem black bears.
I found a study that does indeed indicate that some natural reproduction does occur. I was pleasantly surprised buy this. What was also interesting was total year classes were missing in the survey. What was more surprising was whole year classes were missing even though 400,000 fish were planted.
What this study does say was SFCR has a healthy population. Harvest for the study was just short of 1200 walleyes.
Which is where we go back to. Keeping a limit for the skillet isn't negatively affecting the population as much as environmental factors are.
Where do we go from here. Do we continue to take jabs at each other? I can keep throwing punches at the club for delayed mortality and you keep throwing jabs about meat fishermen. I don't see this going any farther without our civility going down hill. Here is the study from the F&G I told you about. I will be posting more about KILLING walleyes I hope after this weekend. They are only there for one reason to eat. As far as a game fish goes they don't fight worth a crap. Ron
I found a study that does indeed indicate that some natural reproduction does occur. I was pleasantly surprised buy this. What was also interesting was total year classes were missing in the survey. What was more surprising was whole year classes were missing even though 400,000 fish were planted.
What this study does say was SFCR has a healthy population. Harvest for the study was just short of 1200 walleyes.
Which is where we go back to. Keeping a limit for the skillet isn't negatively affecting the population as much as environmental factors are.
Where do we go from here. Do we continue to take jabs at each other? I can keep throwing punches at the club for delayed mortality and you keep throwing jabs about meat fishermen. I don't see this going any farther without our civility going down hill. Here is the study from the F&G I told you about. I will be posting more about KILLING walleyes I hope after this weekend. They are only there for one reason to eat. As far as a game fish goes they don't fight worth a crap. Ron