07-02-2011, 01:34 AM
I have to laugh on the visual of chasing sucker by hand! I have done that with salmon (as a kid), and it is a lot harder than you would think!!!
I have also eaten "northern pikeminnow" and I think sucker, but I can't remember for sure. That was a while back. They were great smoked and canned. They made some amazing cracker dip!
Like I told my kids, "if you are going to shoot it. you better be prepared to eat it." I am will to venture into trying most fish if they are from clean water. The carp was quite good, but a bit of a pain to prepare.
I have also eaten "northern pikeminnow" and I think sucker, but I can't remember for sure. That was a while back. They were great smoked and canned. They made some amazing cracker dip!
Like I told my kids, "if you are going to shoot it. you better be prepared to eat it." I am will to venture into trying most fish if they are from clean water. The carp was quite good, but a bit of a pain to prepare.