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Freezer Burning Fish Waster!
I'm going to make some general comments that may offend some, so be it. In my younger days, I probably kept far to many fish and froze what I'd thought I'd eat latter and didn't. I do like to eat fish!!!!
Anyway,after a long time I figured out that my hording was ill advised. Now I very, very seldom freeze any. I seem to be good enough now to catch enough for a few dinners now and go again. [Smile] That keeps me out there catching. [Wink]
Now, the comment to start a negative response. In the past years I have froze fish and it got very, very old. But.--------, I didn't through it out!!!! What I did do is use it as a supplement to Sparky's food which is great protein. Yeah, I know, still doesn't excuse my lack of good conservation and good sense, ( True confessions) but, well it didn't go to waste and Sparky's a valid member of the family, so maybe you guys can give me a break and forgive me, especially now that I've turned over the proverbial leaf, and learned better.[Wink] Yeah, Sparky still gets a little supplement but not freezer burned and still fresh. Not much though since I truly love eatun em.
[url "../../../cgi-bin/community/community.cgi?do=user_page;pg=user_profile_view.html;username=cpierce"]cpierce[/url] - I have eaten a lot of carp by simply frying the fillets in butter and they taste every bit as good as most fish!!! If the fish is big enough the bones are easy. They do have to be from fresh water though. They seem a little more greasy" and even a little stronger, but I like that.They aren't as mundane ad Utah's favorit fish, trout. [laugh] Yes,I rank em above trout. WOW [shocked]

Messages In This Thread
Freezer Burning Fish Waster! - by cpierce - 07-01-2011, 09:12 PM
Re: [cpierce] Freezer Burning Fish Waster! - by Leaky33 - 07-02-2011, 11:25 PM

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