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First muskies of the year!
I mean no diss guys - really. You're clearly proven anglers, and as you say - more than just bass (though you've got them dialed in purdy good!). I also like to learn a lake for myself, most I've gotten to know have been from solo trips.
I envy your Powell ventures ya'll took earlier this year. Enjoyed those posts, and I thought it was way cool you were nice enough to take Keystone & co - and show 'em 'the way of the smallies'. I'd love to get some of that hands on edification of my own.

I know there's bass in Cutler waterways, and though I've gone where I thought seemed likely, used patterns I thought would entice, I've still come up empty. So - I'll keep trying.

I do appreciate a handy-dandy TD map of a new lake, especially the bigger waterways. Hitting Willard or UL as a clean slate, I'd be skunked (ok - even with a TD map I can get skunked at Willard!!!).
I just think there's information that can be shared without giving away GPS points to a honey-hole that might help someone else get on some fish. I have realized there are things better not shared in full public disclosure, and I know the pros aren't out there 'giving it ALL away'. (plus I'd bet half the time they're just pitching their sponsors!!)

Wish I had the kinda time Ben gets to put in on his marathon trips. Good on ya bud - just keep pitching, just keep pitching.
I'll just keep looking for that big follow and monster grab!

Be cool, stay safe, and watch out for those teeth! [shocked][shocked]

Messages In This Thread
First muskies of the year! - by NinjasetRiggs - 07-03-2011, 04:44 PM
Re: [catmaster23] First muskies of the year! - by CoyoteSpinner - 07-05-2011, 11:35 AM

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