07-05-2011, 09:32 PM
I apologize for my apparent error, but I was not asking for it to be "handed" to me, or for the same kind of information that a guide would provide. I was asking one simple question. I was not asking about technique, "honey holes" or any suggestions as to the location on the lake. I was looking for a simple one-two word response: Firetiger Rapala, spoon, etc. Heck, I would have understood if you politely had said something to the affect of "my secret weapon" and left it at that. I don't know why the few of you who have gotten so upset about this have done so. Do I dedicate as much time as you do to fishing? No. I fish as often as possible, but for the most part I only do when I can get my family involved. Would I like to have been given the chance to spend " way too much time figuring them out to just tell people how to go catch them". Yes. Again though, that is not even what I was asking, so I don't know where that came from.
To those of you who were willing to give some advice, thank you very much. I really do appreciate it. Thank you very much for being willing to help a novice.
To those who got up in arms, again, I was not asking for tips, tricks, locations, or secrets. I was asking what LURE had been working for you so I could include that in the arsenal that I had been trying so I can figure out for myself what works best for me.
To those of you who were willing to give some advice, thank you very much. I really do appreciate it. Thank you very much for being willing to help a novice.
To those who got up in arms, again, I was not asking for tips, tricks, locations, or secrets. I was asking what LURE had been working for you so I could include that in the arsenal that I had been trying so I can figure out for myself what works best for me.