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Bunny Gulch Perch Search 7-6-11
[cool][#0000ff]LloydE and I made a speed run to Starvation this morning to see if the mega perchies have moved into Bunny Gulch. Nope. Grundles of dinks and midsize but no toads for us two. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water level is about topped out. Shoreline trees are flooded. Water temp 65 at 7:30 launch and 68 at 1:00 boogie. Very clean and green.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We arrived to overcast and a bit of a breeze...the leftovers from the previous night's thunderstorms. Made some interesting cloud patterns but the breeze was a bit pesky until about 9 am.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Started right off with the rattle rattle bitty perch action. Went through several worms looking for bigger fish. Nothing on sonar on my usual suspect spots. Changed up depths, lures and presentations. Got dinksters and mid-size on just about anything I sent down with a piece of worm on it. No walleyes, no smallies, no slimers. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Covered way up to the end of the channel and back down the other side. Found plenty of small perch at depths from 10 feet to over 30 feet. Went through lots of worms and got lots of jerk practice. The eternal (infernal) optimist in me kept telling me there would be some bigger ones. It lied.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Found a couple of spots with more promising marks on the sonar. Brought out some of my new no-name lures to try. Curved flattened spinner bodies with a small spinner blade and bait hook on the bottom eye ring. Perchies loved it and I got a few larger than 9" for the basket.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Talked with Lloyd back and forth on the walkie talkies . His results were about the same...except he had scored a mean nasty 20 inch rainbow. Beat him up pretty good before deciding to crawl in his net. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]About noon I started to prepare to get ready to commence to begin to head for the beach and go home. Had some things to do and the fishing was not stellar enough to coax me into staying too long. Decided to devote the last hour to trying for a troutski or two. Almost immediately had one slam a bubble and fly rig, go airborne and let go of the fly in midleap. I was just a spectator. Didn't even get to touch the rod before he jilted me. Whine, whine.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Nothing more on bubble and fly or jig and fly for a while so I cranked up the electric trolling motor and put out a couple of spinners. Always work on those rainbows. Right? Well, not always. About half way back to the beach a hefty bow slammed the "traffic light" pattern spinner and went through his whole repertoire of cavorting, leaping and running to impress me. I was impressed. Then depressed as Mr. Slimer flipped me my spinner and the middle fin. Trout 2, TD zip.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I did catch a couple of fish on the spinners though. As I went across a mid channel hump I got a perch on first the silver/pink spinner and then one on the traffic light spinner. The latter was about the biggest perch I caught all day. Hmmmm?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Lloyd and I got off the water just as the jet skis were tuning up and establishing their rights to lake ownership. They were welcome to it.[/#0000ff]

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Bunny Gulch Perch Search 7-6-11 - by TubeDude - 07-07-2011, 12:11 AM

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