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Bunny Gulch Perch Search 7-6-11
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks. In reading your entertaining posts I notice that you have a fondness for whirling metal lures. Here are a few more pics of some of the fancy decorations I include on some of my stuff.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The spots and dots seem to add a new level of attraction at times. At other times "less is more" and a simple bit of flash and vibration of plain metal blades works better than the gaudy stuff.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The cool thing about making your own goodies is never about saving is being able to come up with new ideas that work better (at times) than the store-bought stuff. And you can vary the size and color of the blades with the size and color of the bodies...and mess with the hooks and/or flies.[/#0000ff]

[inline "PAINTED BLADES.jpg"]

[inline "PAINTED BLADES 2.jpg"]

[inline "GOLD - ORANGE SPINNERS.jpg"]

[inline "TD TRINKETS.jpg"]

Messages In This Thread
Bunny Gulch Perch Search 7-6-11 - by TubeDude - 07-07-2011, 12:11 AM
Re: [LOAH] Bunny Gulch Perch Search 7-6-11 - by TubeDude - 07-07-2011, 02:20 PM

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