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Willard from shore 7/16
Usually we would send you a PM, but when it comes to Willard Bay Catfish there really are no secrets. When it comes to plunking a worm on the bottom for Catfish at Willard we usually use size 1 or 2 Eagle Claw hooks with a worm and put splitshot weights about 6 inches to a foot away from the bait. With lots of slack in the line you must keep an eye to the line. When the line starts to move wait about 3-5 seconds and set the hook (typically off to the side rather than straight up). If you set the hook too soon, or if there is too much tension on the line the Catfish will spit the bait right back out at you. Bring lots of hooks because the Cats tend to swallow the hook past the point of easy retrieval. After about 20min of no bits we will usually move to a new location. Remember when it comes to Catfish it is all about location, location, location. Here is some picture proof of our technique working at Willard Bay on St Patricks Day. Hope this helps out a little.

Messages In This Thread
Willard from shore 7/16 - by Moondawg23 - 07-19-2011, 04:17 PM
Re: [Moondawg23] Willard from shore 7/16 - by TyeDyeTwins - 07-19-2011, 07:28 PM

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