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Henry's Lake Fall brookie's?
Hi my friends- this is Dave Smith of Dave Smith Decoys in Oregon. Hey, it's a long story, but I am on a weird mission to try to catch a big(gish) male brook trout in spawning colors and am really hoping to hear that Henry's Lake has kicked a few out in the last few years? I keep hearing of almost entirely females, but am hoping there are enough naturally-spawned males in there to make a trip worth it. Does anyone have any recon or heard of any big males caught in full spawning colors?
ANY news, help, or nudge in the right direction will be GREATLY, GREATLY APPRECIATED.
Important to tell you right up front: if I get lucky and catch one sooner or later, I will probably not be releasing it.
Even more important: PLEASE: let me know what I can do in return for any help. If anyone is applying for big game tags here and I can scout or if anyone is looking information about fishing areas or needing turkey decoys- help with fish taxidermy/replicas. I just appreciate ANY help as this is super important to me and I will do anything I possibly can. I'm in a tough situation in that I can't make any trips to Henry's before this fall so I am really relying on help and can't thank you guys enough for any advice!

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Henry's Lake Fall brookie's? - by BigOregon - 07-27-2011, 10:08 PM

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