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Henry's Lake Fall brookie's?
Thankyou, guys, THANKYOU for the help. This is a tough one. I was just about ready to give up on Henry's and then windriver had to post that pic- lol!
phutch- thanks for the info- that actually helps alot. Sifting through a bunch of fish to get to the one I want doesn't actually sound too terrible when you put it that way- ha ha.
Excaliber551- thanks for the post. Yeah, kinda scary for my odds if you guys are fishing it multiple times in the fall and not getting any males. I think since the females are sterile, even they aren't getting spawning colors- sounds like I would really have to hit a "wild" fish. Your post really helps me put things into perspective and I appreciate it!
flygoddess- would love to see a pic of that and congrats on catching one! We have a mutual friend in the sharkinator- thanks for the info
troutpimp- yup, and I appreciate the help! I have never been in this situation before- having to rely on people so much. I enjoy just picking a lake or river to fish or drainage to hunt, etc, and learning it on my own- here I am at the mercy of others until I at least pic a jumping off point. I read and re-read your kind help to me weekly!
brookieguy1: you know you're asking the right people when their named "brookieguy" lol! I would love to have all your knowledge and experience! On that place 400 south, does it start with a "K"?? I can't tell you how much I would appreciate and info in that area and know that I fish alone and am ridiculously tight-lipped. THANKS for posting.
curt69: that is so kind of you I can't believe it- first, seening that pic sparks some renewed enthusiasm for me. I am working so much this summer and trying to keep reminding myself how worth-it this will be and that really helps! Hey, I have a Kawasaki Teryx with snow tracks- that would get us around! Looks like they still hold their spawning colors well into ice-time- very cool!
windriver- congrats! That si about the ultimate- what a gorgeous fish. As an artist- I look at that and just melt. there is no way anyone could ever reproduce that perfectly. Hey, I wanted to remind you that there is always a possibility of getting a replica made of that fish anytime in the future. If you need any help or help finding the right person locally, or the right mold or anything, I will gladly help any way I can. I'll find some pics of fish that were caught & released and then I made replicas of from already existing molds and post them in hopes of showing you that the chance to get that fish mounted will ALWAYS be there for you.
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Messages In This Thread
Henry's Lake Fall brookie's? - by BigOregon - 07-27-2011, 10:08 PM
Re: [windriver] Henry's Lake Fall brookie's? - by BigOregon - 07-28-2011, 08:47 PM

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