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well It just so happens my land lord is the taxidermist for this fish!!! here is some info that wasn't shared... the guy who caught it didn't want the meat so he donated it.. which i got to eat some it was way good.. the fish and game took a sample of the ear area bone to test for its age.,. the fish was only 5 years old... it was caught over by Aberdeen.. and it wasn't a jig... i was told not to share the bait used but i can tell you this it wasnt a jig... also this was not the biggest fish caught this year out of AF there is a much bigger one from this year that was casted by the same taxidermist from another guy local to AF he just didn't want every one asking him all sorts of questions and didn't really care to have shaterd the record... here is the info i got... from the taxidermist that is doing the fish...

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NEW RAINBOW STATE RECORD???? - by dma_ayotte - 07-26-2011, 12:04 AM
Re: [dma_ayotte] NEW RAINBOW STATE RECORD???? - by jeremypeace - 08-04-2011, 04:21 PM

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