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A Tale of Many Creeks Part 1 & 2 Aug 7-19
Great report. Those are some nice fish for a small stream. I've been fishing creeks as well for the past three weeks and am heading up again next week for four days of more adventure. My favorite part is exploring new waters. I'll bet I've fished twenty new streams this year. I don't know what it is like over there but up here in the Central Idaho area, there are a lot of streams that are almost unfishable because of the brush and steep terrain. Of course, those are the ones that I like the most because a 10 incher is a real trophy for some of those waters and are more challenging to catch on a dry fly than any steelhead I've caught. Plus, I never see another soul. I found one two weeks ago where I caught two legit 18 inchers and it is likely I will keep that spot secret for a long time. Most of the fish I've been catching, however, are smaller than what you are getting. Thanks for sharing CP and I want you to come over and fish the Big Wood with me in the fall or winter.

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Re: [cpierce] A Tale of Two Creeks Part 1 Aug 10 - by Untangler - 08-19-2011, 11:43 PM

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