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Solo trip to Deer Creek
Started out early this morning arriving at Charleston at the break of dark, 5:24 am. I launched at day break to a lake that looked like glass and came in to the same conditions. No wind at all. It was great! [cool] Water temos at launch were 68, and 69 when I left. The FF blinked to life immmediately showing fish all over in the shallows. I started out throwing plastics to try to get something to bite. Nada, zip, zilch...They all had their middle fins raised and taunting me. Covered lots of water as I investigated the area having never fished this part of the lake at all. Found fish in depths of 13 feet on the bottom and the guys in the boats were anchoring chasing these. Turned out to be trout. I headed back to the shallows trying different sizes of jigs. I got a follow finally from a very small smallmouth bass. Decided to make a change, good call. I switched to a chartreuse and white double willow leaf blade spinner bait. Lots of shrubs submerged to cast into. WHAM! my first smallmouth. A 9 incher. Then WHAM! a largemouth. I knew there were smallies in there but not Largemouth too. This turned out to be an 11 incher. Left earlier than I wanted to due to having to attend a class at work so that I get paid this week. Need to go back and do that again now. [cool] Tried out TD's new quick release rod holder. Very nice indeed. Will keep this as a permanant member of my arsenal. As I was getting ready to leave another tooner showed up. No one I was familiar with but had a nice chat with him. Even gave him a couple of pointers about sliding his frame forward a little to level it out too. Nice guy.

Next trip for me is this weekend, but alas no tubing due to regs say not boats allowed on Upper Stillwater Res. So I will be walking streams and using the fairy wands. Time to teach the kids and wife the proper way to fly fish. [Wink]

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Solo trip to Deer Creek - by albinotrout - 09-02-2011, 09:44 PM

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