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STELLWAGEN BANK,MA- Cod Fishing 2/9/01
STELLWAGEN BANK,MA- Cod Fishing 2/9/01<br><br>An open weather window on Thursday and Friday allowed<br>B-Fast’s DECISIVE to guide two groups to Stellwagen’s<br>shoal-water. John Shwiner’s group of Edison,NJ made a<br>second trip to the bank in a week, returning after a banner<br>trip on February 1. The Northwest wind proved to be a bit<br>more than forcasted, making fishing difficult in the morning.<br>By late morning, Capt. Scott got the group into the fish.<br>Once again, medium cod 8-12 pound were the rule with <br>about 10 pollock to 15 pounds. On Friday, 2/9, Louie<br>Pedone’s charter from Glen Cove,LI,NY found calm seas<br>but few fish on middle bank. The Bank’s north end held<br>the bait and fish allowing Louie’s group using jigs to fill <br>the boxes with cod between 6 and 12 pounds. Gale winds <br>have warranted cancellation of charters on Saturday and<br>possibly Sunday. Stop by and meet the Captains at the<br>Dodge Truck’s Hunting & Fishing Show in Hartford,CT, <br>February 15-18.<br><br>Capt. Mike Bartlett<br>B-Fast Charters<br><br><br>Capt. Mike Bartlett<br>B-Fast Charters<br>

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STELLWAGEN BANK,MA- Cod Fishing 2/9/01 - by bfast - 02-13-2001, 04:00 AM

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