09-24-2003, 02:37 AM
[size 1][font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Here's some additional follow up information from Craig Schaugaard, NRO Regional Aquatic Program Manager, I received today:[/size][/font]
[/size][size 1]"The problem Idaho has had is the survival of the eggs. What eggs that have survived have been sterile fish (only a few hundred). I don't know the exact time frame but I believe if they have "eye-up" in the eggs then they should have good survival and the new method of pressure shocking the eggs should be very effective at producing sterile fish. We stock the lake trout in Bear Lake in November that's when we get the best survival. We are trying to get a back up of non-sterile fish incase the process does not work but Idaho has not agreed to stock them in the lake yet. We will be working with them to do what is best for the lake."[/size]
[/size][size 1]"The problem Idaho has had is the survival of the eggs. What eggs that have survived have been sterile fish (only a few hundred). I don't know the exact time frame but I believe if they have "eye-up" in the eggs then they should have good survival and the new method of pressure shocking the eggs should be very effective at producing sterile fish. We stock the lake trout in Bear Lake in November that's when we get the best survival. We are trying to get a back up of non-sterile fish incase the process does not work but Idaho has not agreed to stock them in the lake yet. We will be working with them to do what is best for the lake."[/size]