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Downriggers and fly gear?
Has anyone ever fished this set up?

Was watching BC outdoors today on WFN and they were trolling using a downrigger and big fly rods. In the leader they had a flasher ( similar to the flasher that you would see at the front of pop gear). And then a big streamer. It really perked my interest . Is its something any users have seen/done? If so any insite? Im in the process of getting a downrigger for our boat so I can get away from the pop gear and it would be that much better if there is away that I can use it with fly gear for some of the nice bows on blackfoot and cutthroats on henry's.

Messages In This Thread
Downriggers and fly gear? - by Bmarsh - 10-06-2011, 01:26 AM
Re: [Bmarsh] Downriggers and fly gear? - by docw - 03-24-2012, 02:52 PM

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