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Trolling Motors for NFO Rampage
I bought a NFO rampage earlier this year and have decided that i need to get a trolling motor.To often than not, us tooners encounter wind and it can be brutal without out a motor I have learned.

So I wanted to ask to the pros a couple of questions and thanks in advance for your help.

1. Minn Kota seems to be the motor of choice, but what lb thrust would be recomended for a NFO Rampage?

2. I was also wondering what shaft length to get for my boat?

3. Battery? Do I need one of those massive marine batterys that cost alot and weigh even more? Or can you get away with something smaller?

Also if there is any other considerations that i need to think about please let me know. This forum is awesome, i always learn a boat load every time i log in.


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Trolling Motors for NFO Rampage - by BDawg - 10-29-2011, 10:41 PM

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