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Double Dip Day - Willard & Pineview
[cool][#0000ff]Seems like I fish the full moon every month...and I usually catch at least a few fish. But there is no disputing that some species in some waters are affected by it. Funny though, as the moon was dropping over the western horizon yesterday morning I could swear I got a Wink from the man in the moon. Took this pic but the flash against the trees closer up kinda messes up the focus on the moon and the reflection in the water. Still, an interesting picture.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That cut on the kitty's tail was a clean cut...almost like a knife, rather than a snaggle-toothed predator. I can't even guess what caused it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Normally, walleyes would be "on the chew" at Willard with the current water temps and high water level. But I think like most of the other predators they are too well fed. Interesting note yesterday, the terns were all over the lake, diving and picking up small shad from the surface. But the shadlets were dead...probably from cold. I saw a couple of them floating slowly upward and that is what the birds were keying on...the "emergers".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I saw some small suspended schools of fish inside the Willard N. marina that appeared to be crappies too. And there were some around the docks. But like the fish at Pineview they were inactive. Saw one "dock dunker" working around the docks pretty good...knew what he was doing...but didn't see him lift up any fish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The crappies I saw or had reported from Pineview were not mega slabs. I saw two caught from the boats as I passed going in and neither were much bigger than hand-size. And one angler reported catching several with the biggest maybe 12". That is good from most waters but so-so from Pineview. There are lots of 13 to 15 inch fish there.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The cleaning stations at Willard close down with the first frost. And they open up later and later each year. Almost the first of June this past year.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There are countless on-the-water moments from my past that would be treasured videos...if I had the camera and the foresight to be prepared to shoot them as they happened. But crystal ball has never worked right.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Muskies and pike definitely take a toll on the young waterfowl on most lakes. And there have been more than a few larger birds chomped by the big toothy critters. When I reflected on that episode at PIneview I harkened back to a documentary I saw a while back about tiger sharks gathering at an albatross rookery in the middle of the ocean. The young albies cannot fly well and often just flop down in the water just off the beach. Many become instant feathery pizza for the waiting sharkies.[/#0000ff]

Messages In This Thread
Double Dip Day - Willard & Pineview - by TubeDude - 11-11-2011, 12:34 AM
Re: [CoyoteSpinner] Double Dip Day - Willard & Pineview - by TubeDude - 11-11-2011, 05:13 PM

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