11-22-2011, 10:00 AM
John Moore flew down from Washington State to spend Thanksgiving Week with his son, Mike, who lives in Chattanooga. John is a hardcore angler. Mike, not so much. But both were committed to spending their first full day together doing a little bonding in my boat.<br /><br />I was worried... we had full bore, 46K generation and that doesn&#39;t suit my style of fishing so much. And I knew the bite had been tough. But I put on my happy face anyway and off we went.<br /><br />We started out throwing live shiners at isolated spots... and managed to pick up a fish or two here and there, but nothing for John to write back to Washington about. Then we started drifting a stretch of river that&#39;s been the best to me for the last couple of weeks. Saturday there was only one, 100-yard stretch that was paying off... and we kept pounding it over and over. <br /><br />Mike put 2 or 3 respectable smallies in the boat but John was having a hard time getting in the game. But finally I saw his line slice the water. I sort of had my back turned when I heard the fish jump. I turned around in time to see a massive &quot;re-entry hole!&quot; I knew it was a good fish, but didn&#39;t know how good.<br /><br />A while later the fish buried itself beneath the boat, John followed with the rod completely in the water screaming. &quot;Where&#39;s your drag? Where&#39;s your drag?&quot;<br /><br />You see, I typically like to fight big fish with my anti-reverse switch turned off and rarely depend on a drag, so it was cinched down sort of tight (We were using 6 lb. leader). And John has fished a lot, but not with spinning rods. Earlier I had told them they were free to adjust their drags as they wished (but I didn&#39;t say how, assuming they knew). I told him drag was on the front of the spool, he got her loosened quickly and we all breathed a little easier.<br /><br />Long story short... I was a happy man when I lipped the biggest smallmouth to ever come in my boat. emoApplause (I&#39;m still not carrying a net.) 22 inches long, 15.75 inch girth... 6 lbs. 12 ozs. ... of course fishing guides always &quot;round up,&quot; so I&#39;ll call it a 7. emoBig
Oh yea... I&#39;m having to &quot;Edit&quot; because I forgot to mention that this was the very first smallmouth John ever caught in his life! emoEek <br /><br />On the next drift Mike reeled in a 4.3 which seemed like a baby in comparison. HOF&#39;s and TARPS all around!<br /><br />We fished hard from 7:30 to 4 ... caught seven different species of fish... and what we lacked in numbers we made up for in quality. That means life is good and getting better every day!