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the maddog, chickamauga, SEC crappie, 11-20-11, Marv
Went back again this morning to fetch another pail of water or as one might say to 'strike while the iron is hot', needed to fullfill my promise to fellow CFF member(el Padre) for a cooler full or black crappie for our annual SEC Championship fish-fry get-together keg and tea party. Jockeyed around the TL roadbeds this morning fishing 1/16 pearl BG's and gmSS'rs rigged under weighted floaters at 9-10ft fishing in 13fow....crappies have really turned on their metabolism this week and my complaint on them being skinny looking is no longer an issue...caught a total of 44 keepers including two Tarps, kept 25 in the 12-13 slot range and met Padre at Nothern Tool to fill his tupperware tub for the upcoming fish-fry. The Highlight of my day was finally meeting BassERT and Susan on their way to the ramp, what a nice couple to share common interests with...great day on the water, I was tired and went home for a nap but Marvin was goona get back after them till dark...that man cannot seem to get enough while the gettins good.

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the maddog, chickamauga, SEC crappie, 11-20-11, Marv - by FishNews - 11-22-2011, 10:00 AM

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