12-04-2011, 02:02 AM
I would highly recommend the quickfish shelters. I had the quickfish 3, and decided it was a little tight fit for my two rods and my wife's one rod and two dogs. I now have the quickfish 4 and I love it. Also, the QF4 is taller for some extra head room while standing. It is very easy to set up, even in the wind. I just put it on the ice, screw in the four corners, then put one side directly towards the wind. I put a fifth ice anchor out a few feet and use a racheting strap to hook the hub to the ice anchor. I used to do this with a corner towards the wind, but then had to use two straps. Needless to say, I greatly enjoy my tent on those days with wind. I can handle cold, and most times just fish outside, but once you get the wind or a heavy snow.... it's into the shelter or heading home.