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2011 Fishin' Goal--any thoughts on kokanee?
[quote riverdog]
You know there are Golden trout in just a few lakes in Utah. If you really want to catch every trout and salmon species I'd add it to the list for 2012. It only took me 3-4 years of trying to catch one to finally get one this year.[/quote]

I'd heard that was the case, but also that it's very difficult to catch them, and most people think that they're pretty well extinct in Utah.

I will add it to the lifetime bucket list [:p] since I need help to just get brookies and kokes!

I guess I could have included albinos but I didn't because a) they're almost 100% planters, and we can get 'em in the li'l community fishing ponds and b) they're still rainbows, just albino ones.

Thanks riverdog!

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Re: [riverdog] 2011 Fishin' Goal--any thoughts on kokanee? - by LurkinLizard - 12-14-2011, 10:21 PM

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