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Fish Lake, Central Utah(not a report)
I'm headed down to Fish lake again this weekend,I will have both my boys and my father and father-in-law with me,I have a question,I came up with a wild idea about duck hunting in the morning and fishing mid day,We will be staying at bowery marina in there cabins,I called up there and Jeff the owner says there are some people that hunt ducks and geese up there and to focus on the river between fish lake and johnson lake,and there are alot of birds in the area since saturday,Youth hunt must of put some pressure on the lower valleys in the area.My question is has anyone hunted in that area and can give me some info on access or bird movement,Thanks for any info.

Tight Lines.

Shoot strait,callem in close or let'm fly by.


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Fish Lake, Central Utah(not a report) - by fishinfool - 09-30-2003, 06:31 PM

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