01-14-2012, 08:22 AM
[quote stripercraze]. I agree with the other comments you do not need to go more than 300 feet Back. If you hook a pig and your reel holds 250 yd and you have 200 yd out which is 600 feet you do not have much line left on reel to play with when the fish runs.
If the lure is trolled About 1.8 mph it will stay on the surface and create a wake. This is when the name wake bait came about. Trolled any faster dependent on speed and line out i think the lure will dive down 4 to 8 feet. All AC plugs will dive if the lure is traveling over 2 mph..
damn whizzle what school did you go to? AC himself will testify to this if you want to get cocky.... i guess the people that actually fish alot rather than talk fishing know what i'm talking about.....
If the lure is trolled About 1.8 mph it will stay on the surface and create a wake. This is when the name wake bait came about. Trolled any faster dependent on speed and line out i think the lure will dive down 4 to 8 feet. All AC plugs will dive if the lure is traveling over 2 mph..
damn whizzle what school did you go to? AC himself will testify to this if you want to get cocky.... i guess the people that actually fish alot rather than talk fishing know what i'm talking about.....