10-03-2003, 03:08 PM
I see your point about the decreased pressure, and agree with that. But I also think that it has been a good lake in the past with tons of pressure. Unforutuately, like you said, it can't sustain fish populations with as much pressure as it gets all the time. I think that I agree with you that the new regs have resulted in fewer folks fishing the Berry in the winter and summer, which means fewer fish coming out of the lake, and more growing to be over 20 inches. I am encouraged by the fishing report and am anxious to give i a try. I have to admit, it's hard to let those tasty walleye go (gotta love them walleye on th other lakes). I just tried them this year and love them. Anyway, I didn't want you to think I was slamming you on the ice fishing issue. Like I said, I love your posts, I just don't see ice fishing as the problem. I hope that when others find out that the lake is producing in good numbers again that they all don't come out to claim their 4 fish every day like they have. Take care WH2!
Fisch R. Mann
Fisch R. Mann