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Nauticman, Upper Nick., PB Smallie, 6 lb., 3 oz., 1/28/12, Labman
Norman and I met at Rivermont about 8 am today to try for smallies. It was tough fishing for us today, but I finally broke the 6 lb. barrier for a smallie. It was my personal best, a 6 lb., 3 oz., 21.75 in. beauty that fought like a beast, making several jumps and runs. Glad Norman was there to expertly net it for me. Of course, I released it. Needless to say, I'm very happy about catching this fish, but wished I could have put Norman on a good too. The only other fish we caught were 2 drum and a white bass. The flow was 94K cfs, the surface temp was 48 and the water was slightly stained.

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Nauticman, Upper Nick., PB Smallie, 6 lb., 3 oz., 1/28/12, Labman - by FishNews - 02-01-2012, 10:00 AM

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