02-04-2012, 05:04 AM
Yote hey I snuck in there by c86man and his gal and they were really rolling the fish had another great guy on the other side and he was nailing them by the hand fulls as well and it must of been a good day because even I caught 10 or 11 by 9:30 and I was missing 3 or 4 for each one I hooked. We were fishing the spill way. I forgot my parking pass so I just went down there today. The fish were everywhere from 8 ft down to the bottom. I was fishing in 24 ft deep water. They were taking anything but seemed to prefer pink and waxies for me. The water was still a little stained but fish didn't notice. They were the usual 9 to 12 inchers didn't notice anything much bigger being caught by anyone and no perch. Good luck and have fun. Later J