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Jmax, Chick, Bass, good day,, 2/4/12, Colby
Had the best day yet this year. I guess I needed Colby along to show me how to catch the big ones. emoAngel Saw Ranger23, fishnforfun and Pointer at the ramp. I had called Colby earlier and he did not answer his phone so I left him a message. He later called back and I picked him up at the ramp. We had a pretty good day today. The rain held off for most of the day and the conditions were great. We got some to chase today with our best two baits being slow rolled spinner baits and jerk baits. We also manages a few on shakeys. Colby had the best of the day and I got the most. Our best five keepers would have been around 14.5 to 15 lbs. Colby caught the biggest on a jerk bait and will add a picture later. I think with the overcast the bass were more willing to hit. The main river still has too much current and it was very hard to fish so we had to stay just off the river out of the current to find our bass. emoThumbsup Also saw Davo in his boat coming in to get out of the rain and ran into Josh Wafford on the water....he had caught about 18 to 19 lbs with his best five so he humbled us a little. emoRolleyes Also saw Churly fly by just in time to see them loose a hat flying off.<br /><br />Those bass really seem Confused right now. Ours came from 6 to 15 foot today but they were scattered everywhere. I think with the warm winter and warm rain they are ahead of last year by about a month. If this keeps up we will see a March spawn instead of an April one.<br /><br />It was a very nice day in all and great to see some friends on the water again.<br /><br />Looking forward to the kick off of the CBA and CFF soon. emoToast Jmax

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Jmax, Chick, Bass, good day,, 2/4/12, Colby - by FishNews - 02-05-2012, 10:00 AM

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