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riggerfish, Chick, Bass, 2/7/2012, Solo
Took some "use or lose" days off this week. Fished yesterday and today. Got three little footballs yesterday cranking laydowns...all around 2-3lbs. Had one break 15lb to see it as it was using the line to saw it's way out. Another fish with a gawdy lip piercing!<br /><br />Today went out around 11 and when I came off plane I heard a nasty metal on metal sound coming from my lower unit. Turned it off and trimmed it up. The little anodized fin-widget thingie was waaay loose. Saw a couple of guys fixing a dock who happened to have a 12mm socket with an extension. Whew...thank God they were there and had the tool I needed. Really salvaged my day. Gonna sign up for the sea tow deal for sure now. You never know what could happen out there. Anyway, caught a little better quality cranking the wood today. I really had to get the CB deep into the wood and bang it on every branch I could. I was in a creek with 56 degree water. I was in shock. It was like fall all over again. Shad flipping everywhere. Even tried a topwater for a little while. Caught some on a Sebile swimbait in 2 ft of water. Nothing of any impressive size on that. The photos are of the two best CB fish. When they hit it they almost jerk the rod out of my hands. Just not that frequent. The current was strong in this creek. I felt like I was back fishing tidal water. Had to look for the dead spot ambush points.<br /><br />So I finally gave in and bought some A-rig knock-offs at Dicks. Half the price of the ones at Sportsmans Warehouse. Still hurt to use the wire cutters and make the "TN cut"! Got me some hemp rope and a broomstick and will throw out my shoulder tommorrow. If Elias can do it at 60....I can do it at 42! I hope.

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riggerfish, Chick, Bass, 2/7/2012, Solo - by FishNews - 02-10-2012, 10:00 AM

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