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Nauticman, Upper Nickajack, TARP Smallmouth Bass, 2/10/12
Well, I just had to get out on the river for 3 hours this afternoon before the cold weather hit. Put in at Riverpark at 2pm and quit at 5. Caught one fish, but, to me, it was worth the trip. A really pretty 20.5 in., 4 lb. 9 oz. TARP smallie, beautifully colored. The pic does not do it justice. It was of a golden greenish color. Caught on a crankbait in slack water, pic taken and released. The flow was 44K cfs and the surface temp was 48-49.<br /><br />I had invited Labman, but he was taking the day off, besides, he had already turned down another invitation. Saw cast4bass trailering home on Hixson Pike, hope he got into the stripers. No trashfish for me today, Norman, LOL.

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Nauticman, Upper Nickajack, TARP Smallmouth Bass, 2/10/12 - by FishNews - 02-11-2012, 10:00 AM

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