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bronzeback45, Chickamauga, Bass, 02/12/12, Bill (cas4bass)
<br /> Launched boat about 10:30 and picked Bill up at the ramp around 12:30. I managed to catch 1 of those stripers cast4bass and labman have been catching but 10lbs wasn't big by there standards emoLaugh . Picked bill up at ramp and went back to the area I caught that Striper with no takers. moved to another area and Bill hooked a nice fish and it broke off. I had caught several bass including 1 pushing 6lbs and Bill was desperately trying to get the skunk off him. Finally he did with some nice keeper Bass and he had 1 close to 4lbs. We had a good day considering how cold it was. My guides were freezing on my rod up to 1pm. Water temps were 48 to 50 degrees, and bass were caught in 12 to 20 FOW. <br /> <br />

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bronzeback45, Chickamauga, Bass, 02/12/12, Bill (cas4bass) - by FishNews - 02-13-2012, 10:00 AM

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