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LB report (kind of)
Took a little ride out to Lincoln Beach today. Two boats and one tuber out from the orchards. Could not see where they launched the boats from. No trailers or trucks in the LB parking lot. Still ice in the launch channel but not very much. Could not see where anyone had tried to punch through it. Tomorrow being Saturday i'm sure someone will pound through it. Good!

One positive note-- the county road boys were out there repairing the road just above the springs. It has been a really bad spot with a big water puddle that covered the entire road. They were there with all the big equipment digging up the road and installing a 10-12 inch drain pipe under the road. Should help when the walleye guys come out in force this week.

Almost time.

..... Go get 'em!
.......( ).......( )


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LB report (kind of) - by Boatloadakids - 02-18-2012, 03:22 AM

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