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JSV, CHICKAMAUGA, CRAPPIE, 2-26&27-2012, Dad
Been a long while since I have been on the water. Dad and I went out Sunday for a few hours and caught several Crappie. I think we managed 21 keepers with 2 being TARPS.<br /> We started out in fishing a few docks in about 10 fow but didn’t manage to find much. We noticed the birds diving and the slough full of bait fish. We moved out and fished a few brush piles and the channel. We caught several fish and that’s where the 2 TARP's came from. The trollers were out in force and they were doing well however they were picking up more small fish then keepers.<br /> After the sun got up, the bite slowed down so we moved back to shooting docks and shallow brush. We managed several more fish but the ratio was about 1 keeper to 8 fish.<br /> It was great to be back out and fishing with my Dad is a blessing! We both were using BG and 1/32 jigs with the tail light. I changed colors throughout the day and never noticed any color being more productive than another. <br /> Monday I got out for a couple hours before work. Ran over to CFP to meet up with TNDOE and get some hooks I had bought that she had. We fished the park for about an hour. I mainly shot docks in 12ft or less of water. Caught 20 plus fish but only 3 keepers. I gave them to Kathy and headed home around noon.<br /> PS... Keep TNDOE (Kathy) in your prayers. She had knee replacement surgery on Tuesday. I did talk to her prior to coming to work tonight and the surgery went well however it is a long tough road to recovery so any prayers would be great!<br /> <br /> <br />

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JSV, CHICKAMAUGA, CRAPPIE, 2-26&27-2012, Dad - by FishNews - 03-01-2012, 10:00 AM

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