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team-d, Nickajack, Bass, 3/4/12, Solo
Got on the water at 1100 and fished for 3-1/2 hours, that's all of the wind I needed. Had to keep the bow high in a few places on the main river, some pretty good white caps. Boated 5 keepers, crankbaits and 'brella rig, all little males around 2-1/2 lbs each. Need to figure out how to catch the fat females by next weekend or it's just donation time. Had a good fish on the 'brella rig at the end of the day, about ripped the rod out of my hands, had a couple good runs and as I got it close to the boat it popped off… never saw it must have been a striper (-: Water 52-56 and a lot cleaner than I thought considering the storms and rain that came through.

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team-d, Nickajack, Bass, 3/4/12, Solo - by FishNews - 03-05-2012, 10:00 AM

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