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Best cell reception at willow beach...
[cool] I see everyone posting, the "what ifs", the "hooplas", the "whooplas" LOL..... come on guys what did ya'll do before cell phones? stay inside like hermits and do absolutely nothing outdoor related??? I couldn't do it, sorry but the "what ifs" is a big part of my outdoors experience, its the primal challenge, me against mother nature, and relying on myself not a piece of electronics.(although some of those gadgets are helpful) I just got a cell again after 2 years of not having one and I hate it. I hate the fact that people can reach me when I'm in the middle of nowhere spending time alone or with my family. LOL I don't know I'm just strange like that I guess LOL. tight lines y'all I'll see ya on the water with the ball and chain (cellphone) in tow LOL [cool] [fishon]

[Wink]oh and my crappy straight talk cell from wal-mart gets ZERO reception at 33 hole near the water, I have to hike up about 50 feet to get any kind of signal.

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Re: [Troylee] Best cell reception at willow beach... - by syncityangler - 03-27-2012, 03:28 PM

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