04-10-2012, 08:25 PM
Several factors are used to determine how many fish are stocked in the Ponds.
Size of the pond, location, amount of fishing pressure, problems with people at the ponds,
water quality and community support are some of the factors.
The community ponds are not charged for trout stocking.
Fishing license fees pays for these fish.
Bountiful Pond is unique as far as Community ponds go. It would not be practical to stock it the same as other smaller and heavier used ponds.
I have fished there several times though and I did very well for trout.
It just doesn't fish like a normal 4 acre pond. You have to fish it more like a lake, which by the way it is.
If you have other questions about community ponds, I suggest that you contact the DWR and ask one of their Community Fishing Biologists.
They are eager to answer questions and hear suggestions.