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jordan river on the fly
Hit the jordan today with the fly rod. Started off using a wooly bugger under a hopper caught a few on the bugger but then i lost it due to a bad cast. So i just kept fishing with the hopper and had a blast nothing cooler then watching fish take it. Mostly caught bluegills but also got some crappie green sunfish and three largemouths. Had a great day and perfect weather.
[Image: 2012-04-10_07-44-24_319.jpg]
[Image: 2012-04-10_08-16-21_202.jpg]
[Image: 2012-04-10_08-32-21_253.jpg]
[Image: 2012-04-10_08-35-18_752.jpg]
[Image: 2012-04-10_08-59-15_457.jpg]
[Image: 2012-04-10_10-04-25_513.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
jordan river on the fly - by Catcherman. - 04-11-2012, 07:15 AM
Re: [Poet1971] jordan river on the fly - by zipp - 04-13-2012, 10:03 PM
Re: [zipp] jordan river on the fly - by Poet1971 - 04-14-2012, 01:18 AM

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