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Boats. I got one. Do you have one too?
My Boat.<br><br>I love my boat. I have a photo of it next to my bed.<br><br>I've had MY BOAT for over 25 years. It's a little boat. I don't really want a bigger boat either.<br><br>It has a little engine that gets good gas mileage and still goes plenty fast for the ocean.<br><br>My boat is easy to clean and easy to tow. <br><br>I have not placed a lot of things like antennas that act like sails in the wind. That way my drifts are slower.<br><br>It's a 17' center console. It's got a newer Yamaha 40 that has never caused any trouble.<br><br>I just put on a Furuno 1650-F 3-way, color combo. It is SOOOooo Bitchin' I can't hardly stand it. Tells me the temp, speed, position and tracks my course while trolling.<br><br>The definition of the dual frequency dealie, lets me see which way the fish are pointed. It shows individual kelp strands laid out by the current against the bottom.<br><br>I fished the same general pattern and the same area (LA Harbor/Palos Verdes/Catalina for many years and found different places and drifts that produced. Now I know why.<br><br>Now I see why nobody is home in places I tried over and over, refusing to believe they were bare.<br><br>It is a small display screen and is difficult to see with polarized sun glasses on in bright sun, but heck.<br><br>It looks SOOOoooo...BAD! When it's lit up at night on top of the console. I love my boat!<br><br>

Messages In This Thread
Boats. I got one. Do you have one too? - by ACE_CARTER - 01-23-2002, 08:56 AM
Re: Boats. I got one. Do you have one too? - by DE6143 - 01-26-2002, 12:40 PM
Re: Boats. I got one. Do you have one too? - by ACE_CARTER - 02-10-2002, 01:14 PM

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